Our factory can provide you with the latest Embroidered Leather Handbags style and more detailed information, please contact us?
Embroidered Leather Handbags are handmade leather tote bags that feature intricately designed patterns or motifs using specialized embroidery equipment, resulting in a more polished and ornate appearance. These bags are highly sought-after due to their unique design and high-quality craftsmanship.
The advantages of Embroidered Leather Handbags lie in their exquisite embroidery patterns and motifs, making them more durable and visually stunning than traditional handmade leather bags. Since they are produced using specialized embroidery equipment, every detail is meticulously done, ensuring a high level of quality. Additionally, Embroidered Leather Handbags are easily customizable to match individual style preferences, as the handles, leather materials, sizes, and colors can be fully tailored according to customer demands.
Moreover, the production manufacturer of Embroidered Leather Handbags boasts a professional production team and equipment, producing high-quality products while ensuring reliable and durable items that increase consumer trust.
Overall, Embroidered Leather Handbags are high-quality handmade leather totes that leverage specialized embroidery equipment and skilled production teams, resulting in unique and stunning bags that offer consumers high-quality and unmatched style.
1) How can I get samples to check products quality?
After price approval and the order confirmed, you can require us for free samples (one piece) to check the quality. We will provide samples by free(one piece), You afford express charge.If you want sample first,we have to charge you 50USD/PC,we will refund you after you place order.
2)How long can I get the samples?
After pay the sample charges and send us confirmed file,
the samples will be ready about 7-10 days.
You can use your own express account or prepay us if you do not have an account,we will arrange the delivery.
3)What about the lead time for the mass production?
It depends on the order quantity and time when you placed the order.
In general, the delivery is with 6-8 weeks
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