During the Canton Fair, we sincerely invite you to visit our women’s handbag factory

We are excited to invite you to visit our factory during the third phase of the Canton Fair. Our factory specializes in producing high-quality and fashionable bags for women, made from a variety of materials including faux leather.

At our factory, we take pride in our fully integrated supply chain, which allows us to offer competitive pricing without sacrificing the quality of our products. We are constantly staying up-to-date with the latest trends and designs, ensuring that our customers receive the most stylish bags on the market.

Leather Bag Exhibition

If you are attending the bag expo at the Canton Fair, we encourage you to stop by our booth to see our latest collection. We are always eager to meet new customers and discuss possible collaborations.

Thank you for considering our bag factory. We can’t wait to share with you our passion for fashion and quality craftsmanship.

Our artificial leather bag factory is located in Shiling Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou City. We specialize in producing various fashionable men’s and women’s bags. My contact phone number is+86 13802778786.