We customize and manufacture handbags and backpacks in our factories in China with various latest artificial leather, nylon and canvas materials. We are your trusted leading and high-quality manufacturer of customized, fashionable and women’s handbags and backpacks. We cooperate with famous brands in the United States, South America and Europe to transform your ideas into products in Guangzhou, China.
Our Strength
Loyalty of our factory –
Our handbag factory has a professional team. With rich experience in handbag production, we understand your needs and requirements in the handbag manufacturing process.
Contact our handbag specialist
First class service level and rich manufacturing experience
We are a China fashion handbag manufacturer integrating industry and trade. We have a professional foreign trade team and experienced handbag manufacturing technicians. As the source handbag manufacturer, we can provide the best technology and price.
We provide simplified services, such as customized samples; Product development, manufacturing and production. We are one of the leading factories and manufacturers in China, cooperating with famous brands in the US and Europe.
Welcome to
handbag factory
Since 2004, we are an environmental handbag manufacturer. All materials are directly purchased from first-hand material suppliers. We have price advantages and high-quality products.